Welcome to the NMMIP 2024 Provider Network RFP!

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RFP Provider Network Question Form

Please submit your RFP Provider Network question(s) here.

Please submit your RFP Question below.


  • Q1. The GEO parameters indicate to not provide Hospital access information (within New Mexico). The RFP also confirms that NMMIP has direct hospital contracts in place. To confirm, does NMMIP have a direct relationship to all hospitals within the state, or is another method utilized to obtain discounts? Is hospital access only applicable to all other 49 states? Lastly, is NMMIP open to alternative non-network strategies in obtaining discounts/savings?
    • A1. The GeoAccess report request in Q32 is used to gather information about the proximity of NMMIP’s enrollees to network PCPs, specialists, behavioral health providers and pharmacies. The exclusion of hospitals from that request should not be interpreted as meaning NMMIP is not requesting that hospitals be included in the bidders’ networks. NMMIP does not have a direct relationship to all hospitals within the state and is requesting that NM hospitals be included in a bidder’s network. Please note that information about network hospitals and discounts is requested in several other questions, including Q37 (hospitals not in NM network) and Q52 (Repricing Worksheet).Yes, NMMIP is open to alternative non-network strategies in obtaining discounts/savings.
  • Q2. Due to the short timeline, would NMMIP allow us to email our response by the due date of September 13th and have a hard copy follow?
    • A2. Yes. We understand the challenges of the short timeline and will accept an emailed proposal on September 13. If a bidder uses this approach, the hard copy must be received by Monday, September 16. All potential bidders who have submitted an Intent to Bid by 4:00 PM (Mountain) on September 6 will be notified of this change.