Welcome to the NMMIP 2024 PBM RFP!

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PBM RFP Question Form

Please submit your PBM RFP question(s) here.

Please submit your RFP Question below.


  • Q1. As a privately held company, we only release audited financial statements to a potential client’s direct financial contact. Please provide the name and contact method for a financial contact for us to submit the requested documents.
    • A1. The financial contact is Elizabeth Leif. Please send the information to her by email at ejleif@leif.net.
  • Q2. Would you kindly grant an extension of the proposal due date to 10/01/24?
    • A2. Due to the tight implementation timelines for this procurement, we are unable to push the due date to 10/01/24. We can, however, push the due date to 9/25/24. All potential bidders who submit an Intent to Bid will be notified of this change.